by Janine Getler | Mar 13, 2020 | Blog, Getler Gomes & Sutton PC
As people around the world have heard by now, a new virus was recently discovered in China in December 2019. Since its initial discovery, the coronavirus, which has been formally named COVID-19, it has been confirmed in a majority of states throughout the United...
by Janine Getler | Jan 15, 2020 | Blog, Getler Gomes & Sutton PC
Most people know what a lucrative field real estate can be. Not many people understand how complex it is. Real estate law deals with a variety of issues related to possession and tenancy. In New York, real estate laws are written at the state level, though they may be...
by Janine Getler | May 20, 2019 | Blog
Take a moment to think about the town or city that you live in for a moment. What are some of the most common sites that you and other residents share? For most people, some of the answers will include businesses, offices, homes, and even parks. One of the things that...